Free Hand #37 (Hitchcock’s Frenzy)

Frenzy Poster

photo source:


Last night I watched Alfred Hitchcock’s FRENZY with my boyfriend Dallas. Really good movie but it’s about a rapist/murderer that kills a bunch of women…had some pretty graphic scenes and social commentary on/about women hmmmmmmm. Here’s a small poem I did today in reflection of it.


Hitchcock’s Frenzy


The empty body floats

across the water. Devoid of soul

just decaying matter. What space

does the eye occupy? As it fixes

on the body, the bystander helpless

and in shock. The magnetism of

the loss and the pain. The image

seared within the brain.


Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope that you will return in the future!


Announcement: Working on…

Penny Dreadful Poster  Salem Poster iZombie Poster

photo sources:



Here is an update of what I am planning on posting in the next couple of weeks!


I realized I haven’t done two ‘Monthly Notebook Excerpts’ (May and June). This is because I’ve been working a ton and trying to get my personal life in order this summer. Not an easy feat. So do expect a combined post ‘May/June Monthly Notebook Excerpts’ very soon.


I am still under a pile of books that I have been reading this summer. I hope to have two or more finished by the end of this month and a reflection post for each one.


I have a few ideas on posts under my subsection of writing ‘Film, Music, Art’, here is what I’m considering (give any suggestions in the comments below!!!).

Reflection/Review Post:

Penny Dreadful



These are all series available on Netflix. They are some of my favorites. I have been thinking about doing a review on one or all of them this summer.

That is all I am thinking about right now!

Please feel free to leave any suggestions etc. in the comments below! I will take all suggestions into consideration!

As usual expect my ‘Free Hand #’s’ poetry posts as well as my ‘Flash Fiction #’s’ I will be doing those regularly still.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I greatly appreciate all my followers and regular readers!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Free Hand #36 (Black Hole Sun)

Thinking about Global Warming and Black Hole Sun today. It’s supposed to be 103 (F) today in SLC and I hate the heat. UGH!


Sunk down deep into the endless night

the hell in my mind burns on. I wait

for the heat to cease, for the flames to stop.

There is only pain and thirst. Pulling,

twisting the body; in, out and up through

the sky. Will there be a release in the abyss?


If you are reading this, Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope that you will return in the future!


Sample of My Art : Summer 2017

Here is some original artwork of mine that I did this summer. 

More on my Instagram.

Original artwork by Alina Happy Hansen July 2017

Original artwork by Alina Happy Hansen June 2017

Original artwork by Alina Happy Hansen June 2017

Original artwork by Alina Happy Hansen June 2017

Thank you for taking time out of your day to visit my blog and read my posts! 

I hope you will return in the future!


Currently Listening to…(July 2017)

Here’s a small sample of what I’ve been listening to:

Wolf Alice, The Horrors, Emily Haines and The Soft Skeletons, Chromatics, MUSE.



Wolf Alice -Yuk Foo


The Horrors-Machine


Emily Haines and The Soft Skeletons- Fatal Gift


Chromatics- Shadow


MUSE-Dig Down




Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my posts!

I hope you will return in the future!

