Coming Soon! Book Review: The Complete Poems of Ernest Hemingway


This is just a brief announcement that I am working on a reflection on the book of poems that I just recently finished.


The Complete Poems of Ernest Hemingway

In my reflection I will be discussing my favorite poems in the collection and why. I am also thinking of comparing a few select poems to key works of Hemingway’s such as ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’, ‘A Moveable Feast’ and ‘The Sun Also Rises’.

I hope to have this reflection complete and posted on my blog by the end of the week (June 18th)!

Again I thank you all for reading my work! and I hope that you enjoy this upcoming reflection!



p.s. Heads up, I am almost done with Pinsky’s Singing School, and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince from my Fiction and Poetry Summer Reading Lists. I also plan on doing short reflections on these. 

Freehand Poem #25

Rainy weather this week in SLC. I love it! Finally some relief from all that heat!


Your words drop like ice against my skin. Forcing your way into

the creases of my heart, trying to find any way in. Hoping I will

crack, and break. Hoping that I will become weak and give in.

I let it all slide over me. Invading my heart, invading my soul

but I will not give in. I will not give in. My fire burns on.

A flame that cannot be snuffed out.


If you are reading this, Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope that you will return in the future!


When Words Lose Meaning: Flash Fiction Series #3

Here is a rough version of a Flash Fiction piece I am working on.


approx. word count: 130

When Words Lose Meaning


Alina Happy Hansen


His eyes are black, she drones on, picking up her wine glass. Sips and mutters something under her breath. Her beauty blossoms in the candlelight but her words are poison, tarnishing her image. He wonders how such a beautiful woman could be so cruel. After weeks of being with this woman he has found himself growing more and more disgusted by her. Suddenly her freckles become abrasive markings, her lips stained and creased, her teeth yellow and her eyes, a dark abyss that swallows him whole. Her image begins to slip in front of him as she reveal who she really is. In the end he will marry her because everyone admires her beauty but he will no longer value words and live a life of deceptive imagery.


If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope that you will return in the future!



Freehand Poem #24

Can’t wait for summer to be over. The heat is unbearable and winter is sounding better and better.


Summer days end, and the hell in my heart

rages on. After the wind dies down, after the seas

calm into winter iciness. I am still full of the fire

from days long past. To calm my spirits, and sleep

in the winter, sleep through it all, to awaken

in spring once again. Fire to ice, ice to fire.


If you are reading this, Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope that you will return in the future!


Freehand Poem #23: Desert Death

Good morning! or Good Afternoon!

It’s only getting hotter in SLC right now. I am trying not to melt and keep my wits about me.

Listening to: Night Beats- Who Sold My Generation (Full Album)


Desert Death


My body, my bones. Dried up and sour. Cracked to the core

I begin to crumble. The sun beats down on me and I crawl

across the desert floor. Mr. Rattlesnake go home, leave me

alone. Coyote and vultures, cacti and dire measures

just to find a road to burn on. Just to find an end to the pain

I’m living on.



If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you return in the future!
