Announcement: Flash Fiction and more!

I will be posting ‘Flash Fiction’ pieces (100 words or less) starting next week. This is my way of practicing while also showing my creative process!

There will be one or two posts a week of my flash fiction next to my regular ‘Free Hand’ poetry posts.

Also, I am still working on building my Summer 2017 Fiction Book List, as well as a list of all the ‘How-to-‘ books on Poetry and Flash Fiction that I have read.

I want to thank all the people that have decided to follow me (106). I was amazed when I finally had a hundred people following my blog (sometime last week) and wanted to say thank you!

I look forward to this summer and cannot wait to correspond with others on wordpress about poetry and flash fiction (when the time comes)!

Thank You,


Free Hand #15 (Give Me My Music)

It’s been raining all week. Nice weather, I like it very much. Currently reading about four books simultaneously on different things, fiction and poetry books. Also listening to Lady Gaga’s latest album Joanne (2016).


Cannot see the sun,

the blood in my mouth bubbles over my lips

and my mind swims in the dark. Twisting

thoughts and reminiscing about days

that never happened. You turn up and turn down

the music. I am angry and want nothing more

than a beat and voice to keep me going.

Life isn’t all dances and fun. There’s

heartache too.

oh well, never thought you’d be so rigid

about things like that.

Feel the dust in the air rise, right before it rains

right before a peel of thunder, shakes the house

with you and me inside.

I cannot see the sun anymore,

all I want is my music on a dark rainy day

give that to me, would you?


If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing. I hope you turn in the future!


Free Hand #14 (Speculative Poetry)

It’s only Tuesday and it feels like the end of the week for me. I often take into account the weather when I start my daily writing. I try to work through my environment before writing on other subjects. Also, listening to: Veruca Salt, Album: Ghost Notes (2015)





Daytime with night sky and thunder

overhead. Trying to keep myself warm

with coffee and electric ideas that

shimmer under the surface of my mind.

Twisting words into sentences, chiseling

and carving out a paragraph takes an

entire day. It’s raining and I am attempting

to connect thoughts with reality. The bitterness

in the back of my throat, music keeps me going,

words are only tools. Use your tools wisely.



Thank you for reading!



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Currently Reading: After the Quake by Haruki Murakami


photo source:

I thought I would begin posting short reflections on what I am currently reading since I have extra time this summer to focus on my blog. I am thinking that I will do one of these posts once a week, since I have an ever shuffling stack of books that I am always reading.

This week I began reading Haruki Murakami’s ‘After the Quake‘ after a suggestion from my boyfriend who is currently reading multiple Murakami works. After reading a couple of the stories I found myself pulled into Murakami’s world, intrigued by his unique style of writing and the subject matter.

The stories revolve around an earthquake that took place in Kobe, Japan in 1995. Each story has some connection to the Kobe earthquake but is flexible and malleable in the way that it explores the characters personal responses to the earthquake. The stories also emphasize on loneliness and death which strengthen further the connection between the earthquake and people. How do people cope with loss and fear amidst a natural disaster that affects an entire nation? I think a more important question is, How does a writer cope with the loss and fear that surrounds such an event?

I love the way in which Murakami uses detail and emotions to build his stories. The essence that is built up as the stories progress portray the feelings of loneliness, loss, and death in multiple ways.

My favorite stories in the collection:

Landscape with Flatiron


Super-Frog Saves Tokyo

Landscape with Flatiron, explores friendship and a connection with nature through bonfires and alcohol. The end result a suicide pact that has unknown results.

Thailand, emphasizes on loneliness and aging while dealing with personal conflicts and moving on with ones life.

Super-Frog saves Tokyo, a hallucination? or a dream? A giant frog implores help from a lonely middle-aged man to help save Tokyo from a possible earthquake caused by an angry subterranean worm.


Overall I enjoyed reading each short story and plan on reading more of Murakami’s work. I would recommend his work highly to readers that enjoy modern short fiction.

If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing! I hope you return in the future!


Free Hand #13 (Synthetic City)

Today is one of those days that I struggle with SLC. This is a rough piece that I jotted down about my own personal conflict with SLC.


My blood is hot and the water

boils against my skin. The cool wave

of wind holds tight to my skin,

breathing through my clothes

and outlining my body.

You look up into the sky and wonder

if there is anything at all, I say,

don’t bother looking, does it

even matter?

My bones begin to crack under

the strain of living in a city

built over plains. A synthetic

place made of hopes and tears,

fake a smile and let it all

go, this place died long ago.



If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing! I hope you return in the future!
