Free Hand #17

Back in SLC. Super tired. Here are some random mutterings.

Listening to: Restless Babe by SKATERS


The sun peaks over the horizon. Moving through clouds,

sitting on, waiting for, the end of one more day then another.

Closer, it keeps ticking by and my blood boils

under fire, in the heat, my mind explodes. Why are you so quiet?

Why are so cold? That’s what happens when you live up in the sky.


If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing! I hope you return in the future!


2 thoughts on “Free Hand #17”

  1. Alina, I love this. You have packed so much into it, and without using too mant words you have managed to get the emotion into it. I must try doing this myself. I knew about Flash Fiction but I have never triednit before. I love your site. I am blind so may make mistakes in typing. I hope this comment has come out alright. From the U.K.

    1. Thank you so much for your compliments! It’s really hard writing flash fiction and my ‘free hands’ are mainly just practice pieces but it is one of the hardest forms of writing next to poetry that i’ve been studying. There’s a fantastic book called ‘Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction’ by The Rose Metal press and edited by Tara L. Masih, which I found to be an invaluable source. Again, Thank you!

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