a woman holding a wooden chopping board while standing in the kitchen

Flash Fiction Series #1: The Cup

Here’s the first of many weekly Flash Fiction pieces I will be posting. All pieces will have less than 150 words.

The Cup

The dog barks at the sound of the mail man shuffling onto the porch. Marie walks into the kitchen, the coffee maker almost done gurgles the last bits of hot water and spits out the hot black nectar. She pours herself a cup and listens to the dog walking through the house. There is something a little hard, a little chewy in her mouth. She sighs, frustrated, getting rinds in her coffee again? Marie dumps out the rest of her cup into the sink, her stomach turns. The dead washed up body of a giant spider lays lifeless in a pool of coffee slowly dripping down the drain, a leg missing.


Read Next:

Cowboy in the Desert

Hospital Stay


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