Here is the second ‘Notebook Excerpts’ post. These bits are from the recently completed notebook from March 2017.
Thank you for reading!
key: + marks breaks in writing
The color fades from the sky, and
the hardest part is
letting go. Letting the sun set-completely-
I can’t do this.
There is an edge to the blade that makes it all the more appealing.
We’re disturbed by the quietness of the blood/the way in which it flows.
All these nights bury themselves against our pain.
The bitterness in my heart throbs every once in a while.
The sun is coming out-and the
body bathes in the light till
there is no light left.
And what do I do? To survive?
What do I do? For you, how is
that possible?
Am I cold, dislodged and
fallen apart?
I’m not sure.
Listening to the Robert Johnson record I got today.
“Best of” record. I am surprised by how much I know
all these songs. And I am again overwhelmed and bathing in his music.
His voice
The emotion behind it.
He doesn’t need a band/never did need one. He’s got it all with his
-So Slick
(Delta Blues)
And these thoughts bubble in
my head. all that comes around,
you fade and follow me-into
the disillusioned mind.
The Knife that CUTS
the words that cling to
my dying body.
Mouth opens completely.
If you are reading this Thank YOU for taking time out of your day to read my writing. I hope you return in the future!
Thank you!