Freehand Poem #1

Hello readers! As the first post on my blog which is no longer ‘Under Construction’ I have decided to post the first of many ‘Free Hand Writing’ posts which will included poetry and short stories. These posts will contain fresh writing, impromptu and extremely rough. I will attempt to work on and publish these short posts in less than 30 minutes. This is an ice breaker and breather exercise that I do to take my mind off of what I ‘m currently working on.

Here goes!


Life of Words

Letting the words just drip,


drip and

fade and dry. They smell

sweet at first then

begin to ripen till

bittersweet, sting

-ing the back of the throat.

Words that bend, lose their elasticity

lose the ability to return to form

and brittle they break.

Ground up, crumbled into air and dust

Into, inhale,

Exhale, nothing.

Nothing to be devoured, nothing left.

The words rot and dissolve.

They die in their own ways,

they die and fade away.


If you’re reading this thank you for taking time out of your day to read my writing! I hope you return in the future!

Thank You!


Short Story: (a sample of) The Tenant


In addition to my latest post (Sample of Poetry) I have decided to post a Sample Short Story for all my readers.

This short story ‘The Tenant’ was first written at the beginning of this year. As you may notice, it is extremely short. I should probably clarify that I love to write short short stories. I will probably post a few regular sized short stories in the future as well but for this sample I figured a short short would be perfect.

I plan on working on this story more in the future and may publish the changes later in the next couple months since I have a lot of ideas concerning this piece and multiple directions that I’d love to take it, if possible.

Synopsis: ‘The Tenant’ is a short short story about an occupant living in an apartment building. (Self Explanatory, I know).


The Tenant

 by Alina Happy Hansen

The letters piled up against the door. The carpet was a sponge that soaked it all up, fermenting as the days passed. The smell began to leak out, the neighbors began to complain till management was called and keys were found to open the door. A few weeks had passed since anyone had seen the tenant. The overweight scruffy middle aged man jingled and jangled the hoop of keys till he picked out the right one. Inserting the key and turning it till he heard a soft click. He opened the door slowly afraid of what he was going to find. Flies buzzed around it, landing on their utopia of decay. There on the table was a plate meat, rotten and slimed over dripping onto the carpet.



If you are reading this, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my work. I hope you return in the future!

Thank You,


A Sample of My Previously Published Poems


Here are some samples of my poetry.

These are some poems of mine that were originally published on my allpoetry account ( which has since been deleted. I have decided to post a few of these poems as a sample of my work.

All poems are my original work.

Thank you for reading!!!

In the Night

by A. Hansen on July 6, 2016.

Under the glowing moon,
iridescent light casts shadows
of figures that howl
and the night becomes a
time where the netherworld
bleeds into reality.

(in the spring) CLOUDS

by A. Hansen on March 23, 2015.

Weightless, we swim through the sky.
Winds blow, folding us together.We are mystic waves colliding
in the crystal blue,
with a sweetness in the air.Sweeping, seeping, falling,
we only vanish when the sun sinks
and disappears.

City Sun

by A. Hansen on January 19, 2015.

Drinking in the sun
golden leaves unfurl
radiant words glitter
among gasoline rainbows
turpentine, pavement and tar
boiling hot and thick
the skin smells-blisters rise.
burning under the sky
we rest on broken glass
and garbage.
city life suits us well.

Death (pt.3)

by A. Hansen on December 21, 2014.

Bathed in mists
and blues,
sea foam froth
paints my hair,
I disintegrate slowly,
Poisoned by your blues.You cut into me,
sharp knives like fangs,
to gnaw and break
my bones.A tortured heart,
I sacrificed my soul,
and you tore me limb from limb
throwing me back into the blue
that I pulled you from.

If you are reading this, thank you for taking time out of your day to read my poems. I hope you return in the future!
Thank you!

Announcement: Notebook Excerpts Coming Soon!


Hello Readers!

Until my wordpress page is completed and no longer ‘Under Construction’ I will post a few samples of what I plan on doing regularly. I have already done this with a ‘Book Reading List’ that was published last week that contains my favorite books of Poetry/Collections/Anthologies that I own.


This is a sample of a monthly post I plan on doing starting in April 2017.

Every month I write one full 200 paged Notebook. I write daily for a minimum of two hours on anything that I want as long as it is writing (NOT JOURNAL ENTRIES), I have completed one notebook for each month consecutively for the past three years. In my notebooks I write poetry, bits and pieces of observations, and short short stories. At the end of the month I go over my notebook and highlight parts that I think are the best. Those parts I type up and archive for my records. If something really strikes me I pull it out of my archives and expand on it (this is the beginning of my process for writing poems and short stories).

So without further ado, I give you a sample excerpt from my notebook Feb 2017 (Notebook Excerpt #1).


Notebook Excerpt #1 (Feb 2017)

key: ‘+’ marks separation between ‘poems/pieces’. 

‘START’ and ‘END’ bold and italicized mark the beginning and end of the excerpts.



Blue heaven above me

Barreled up against the sun


Her body is covered in a glittery slime

Death does not prove the existence of a god (gods).

Smell of cat shit in cat litter.


Whiter, the petals become. The color sucked out of them.


Eyes claim that there was once something great in the sky that lived there once.


The heat comes on, a low rumble,

through the house.

But it is in vain for the windows are old, they are drafty cracked dirty.


Lines in deep depression drawn against the sky


Where is the sun,

The golden sphere?


It is cold, freezing. I’m trying to keep myself awake trying to keep myself hollowed out so that there will be something there to fill


I follow myself into a place of utter darkness.

You broke me into hell. My body doomed, full of desire and death.


I am here, skull eyeballs and spine.

Hole in my head.





Vanished into the darkened blue


Heaven is a dream that never ends


Within the catacomb of

The soul, a hive grows of

Festering flesh and blood glistening

in honey and cream.



This is just a sample and does not contain the complete NB Excerpt for Feb 2017, future posts for ‘Notebook Excerpts’ will be longer.


If you are still reading, thank you for taking time out of your day to read this post. I hope that you return to alinahappyhansenwriter in the future!


Poetry and Short Fiction by Alina H. Hansen

Coming Soon in April 2017

A blog written and maintained solely by the Writer & Poet Alina Happy Hansen. Poems and Short Stories will be published weekly on All Poems and Short Stories will be the authors original works. They may be rough drafts, works in progress or a semi-polished piece but will be available to readers for the purpose of exposing the creative process.

Besides Poetry and Short Fiction this blog will also include:

Book Lists (Alina’s lists of ‘Read’, ‘Would Like To Read’, ‘Currently Reading’, and ‘Reference Books’)

Films, Music, and Art (reflections, thoughts and small critiques/essays)

and Notebook Excerpts (material I take out from my completed monthly writers notebook)